# Domain Size

Atom domain size estimation (2013) derives the atom domain size estimate for a nucleus \(c\) of period \(p\) as:

\[r = \left|\frac{F^q(0, c)}{\frac{\partial}{\partial c} F^p(0, c)}\right|\]

where \(1 \le q < p\) minimizes \(\left|F^q(0, c)\right|\). The atom domain size is approximately \(4\) times the radius of circle-like components, and typically a lot larger for cardioid-like components.

# 1 C99 Code

#include <complex.h>

double m_domain_size(double _Complex c, int p)
    double _Complex z = c;
    double _Complex dc = 1;
    double abszq = cabs(z);
    for (int_t q = 2; q <= p; ++q)
        dc = 2 * z * dc + 1;
        z = z * z + c;
        double absz = cabs(z);
        if (absz < abszq && q < p)
            abszq = absz;
    return abszq / cabs(dc);

# 2 Examples

Circle \(c = -1\), \(p = 2\): \[r = 1\]

Cardioid \(c = -1.7548776662466929\), \(p = 3\): \[r = 0.23448676598793725\]