# mouse2jack
Send X11 mouse coordinates to JACK audio.
# 1 source
git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/mouse2jack.git
# 2 build
# 3 run
./mouse2jack 0 1079 1919 0 -1 -1 1 1 0 0
jack_connect mouse:out_x synth:in_cv_1
jack_connect mouse:out_y synth:in_cv_2
# 4 config
The mapping from screen coordinates to JACK coordinates is specified via command line arguments. First 4 define screen rectangle. Second 4 define JACK rectangle. Last 2 (optional) enable clipping (when nonzero).
# 5 bugs
- Responds to SIGHUP to rescan screen confguration, should be randr.
- Has not yet been tested with multiple simultaneous screens.
- Polls at 60Hz, maybe it is possible to listen for events instead.
- Has not been tested on Wayland.
Uses deprecated
# 6 todo
- Source tarball download.