# Taxicab Voronoi

# 1 Euclidean Metric

Distances are found by summing the square of the difference in each coordinate, then taking square root.

\[d(p, q) = \sqrt{\sum (p_i - q_i)^2}\]

# 2 Taxicab Metric

Distances are found by summing the absolute difference in each coordinate.

\[d(p, q) = \sum |p_i - q_i|\]

# 3 Voronoi Tesselation

Given a collection of marked points, assign a colour to each arbitrary point according to the colour of the nearest point.

Usually uses Euclidean metric.

# 4 Taxicab Voronoi

Voronoi tesselation using taxicab metric can be implemented easily.

The idea is to do 4 passes, one in each direction of each coordinate. Keep track of the currently known nearest point for each pixel. Each pass can be parallized, with a sequential inner loop.

# 4.1 Example

Image input:

A tree on a scrubby hill ridge

Control input:

A black image with white specks


An irregularly pixelated tree

# 4.2 Reference Implementation

Download: taxicab-voronoi.c.

// taxicab-voronoi.c (C) 2023 Claude Heiland-Allen

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// keep track of the nearest centre
struct pixel
  int distance;
  int x;
  int y;

// voronoi pixelation in taxicab metric
// cell centres have a != 0
// pixels with a == 0 are set to rgb of nearest centre
int taxicab_voronoi(int width, int height, unsigned char *rgb, const unsigned char *a)
  struct pixel *image = malloc(width * height * sizeof(*image));
  if (! image)
    return 1;
  // initialize
  #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
      int k = y * width + x;
      if (a[k])
        image[k].distance = 0;
        image[k].distance = INT_MAX;
      image[k].x = x;
      image[k].y = y;
  // pass 1: increasing x
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    // sequential
    for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x)
      int k = y * width + x;
      int k1 = y * width + (x - 1);
      int d = image[k1].distance;
      if (image[k].distance > d)
        image[k].distance = d + 1;
        image[k].x = image[k1].x;
        image[k].y = image[k1].y;
  // pass 2: decreasing x
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    // sequential
    for (int x = width - 2; x >= 0; --x)
      int k = y * width + x;
      int k1 = y * width + (x + 1);
      int d = image[k1].distance;
      if (image[k].distance > d)
        image[k].distance = d + 1;
        image[k].x = image[k1].x;
        image[k].y = image[k1].y;
  // pass 3: increasing y
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int x = 1; x < width; ++x)
  // sequential
    for (int y = 1; y < height; ++y)
      int k = y * width + x;
      int k1 = (y - 1) * width + x;
      int d = image[k1].distance;
      if (image[k].distance > d)
        image[k].distance = d + 1;
        image[k].x = image[k1].x;
        image[k].y = image[k1].y;
  // pass 4: decreasing y
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
    // sequential
    for (int y = height - 2; y >= 0; --y)
      int k = y * width + x;
      int k1 = (y + 1) * width + x;
      int d = image[k1].distance;
      if (image[k].distance > d)
        image[k].distance = d + 1;
        image[k].x = image[k1].x;
        image[k].y = image[k1].y;
  // finish
  #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
  for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
    for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
      // this looks racy, but it should be fine:
      // all dst refer to a src with distance 0
      // and dst with distance 0 refers to itself
      int dst = y * width + x;
      int src = image[dst].y * width + image[dst].x;
      rgb[3 * dst + 0] = rgb[3 * src + 0];
      rgb[3 * dst + 1] = rgb[3 * src + 1];
      rgb[3 * dst + 2] = rgb[3 * src + 2];
  // cleanup
  return 0;

// expects two images (PPM followed by PGM) of the same dimensions on stdin
// outputs one image on stdout
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  (void) argc;
  (void) argv;
  int retval = 1;
  int height, width;
  if (2 == scanf("P6 %d %d 255", &width, &height))
    if ('\n' == getchar())
      unsigned char *rgb = malloc(width * height * 3);
      if (rgb)
        if (1 == fread(rgb, width * height * 3, 1, stdin))
          int awidth, aheight;
          if (2 == scanf("P5 %d %d 255", &awidth, &aheight))
            if (awidth == width && aheight == height)
              if ('\n' == getchar())
                unsigned char *a = malloc(width * height);
                if (a)
                  if (1 == fread(a, width * height, 1, stdin))
                    retval = taxicab_voronoi(width, height, rgb, a);
                    // output
                    printf("P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height);
                    fwrite(rgb, 3 * width * height, 1, stdout);
  return retval;