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Next week:

Tatsuru Arai / Bioni Samp / mathr&netz

Saturday, 16 November 2019 from 20:00-22:30

IKLECTIK, Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Lane, SE1 7LG London, United Kingdom

more info and tickets

We'll be playing with hardware synthesizers, accompanied by psychedelic fly vision projection:

Ommatidia 1 Ommatidia 2 Ommatidia 3
Ommatidia 4 Ommatidia 5 Ommatidia 6
Ommatidia 7 Ommatidia 8 Ommatidia 9

Some text about our performance:

mathr&netz - Ommatidia

The fly vision algorithm is based obviously on the eyes of flies, "A compound eye is a visual organ found in arthropods such as insects and crustaceans. It may consist of thousands of ommatidia, which are tiny independent photoreception units that consist of a cornea, lens, and photoreceptor cells which distinguish brightness and color. The image perceived by the arthropod is a combination of inputs from the numerous ommatidia, which are oriented to point in slightly different directions. Compared with single-aperture eyes, compound eyes have poor image resolution; however, they possess a very large view angle and the ability to detect fast movement." (Wikipedia)

The visualization code takes an image from a single lens webcam, and processes it to emulate the ommatidia. Arranged in a hexagonal grid, which is an optimal packing reached by evolution, each cell has a wide angle, with overlapping edges repeating parts of the image and enhancing the drama of moving objects. The colour of the cells are modified according to the volume levels of three frequency bands of audio (bass, mids, treble). Over time the size of the cells are modulated, zooming disconcertingly.

Looking forward!