realtime Burning Ship fractal explorer implemented in browser-based Javascript Copyright (C) 2025 Claude Heiland-Allen, license: AGPLv3 with NO WARRANTY
Sometimes the equalisation algorithms go wrong, leading to flickering or strobing images. Be careful if you are sensitive to flashing lights.
When active tries to make the image conformally neutral. The autostretch setting is saved in a cookie.
Sets image quality. High(e)(r|st) needs more CPU and GPU power but looks better. Low(e)(r|st) looks worse but needs less CPU and GPU power. Be careful adjusting upwards, in case your machine struggles. If you run into trouble, visit the main page (without any URL #hash part) to reset to Normal quality. The quality is automatically adjusted downwards if animation drops below 10 FPS. The quality cannot be adjusted upwards when animation is below 20 FPS. The quality setting is saved in a cookie.
When active, calculations are paused and interaction is blocked. Calculations are automatically paused when the browser tab is hidden.
When active displays this help text. The help panel open state is saved in a cookie.
The # button in the top right corner saves the current location to the URL #hash parameter, so you can bookmark, use browser history, or share with friends.
Maximum zoom level is about 1000, due to Javascript Number exponent range (double precision).
Maximum iteration level is about 29 but problems can start about 24 due to GPU floating point mantissa precision (single precision). (To remove this limit edit the source code: search for "1000000000".)
Maximum number of pixel workers is 6, even on machines with more CPU cores. Some browsers don't report hardware concurrency accurately, so you may get fewer workers than expected. Usually two CPU cores are reserved for the reference calculations and main browser thread. (To remove this limit edit the source code: search for "threads".)
Maximum supersampling is 3x3 (Highest). (To change this edit the source code: search for "quality == 3".)