# Prescribot
# 1 About
A prescription generator using the WHO Essential Medicines List as a corpus for a Markov chain making up medicine names, plus a kind of probablistic text grammar for the rest.
# 2 Disclaimer
Prescribot is not a doctor. Prescribot does not give medical advice. Prescribot is for non-commercial poetic purposes only.
# 3 Credits
Debian, nginx, fcgiwrap, lua
World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines – 22nd List, 2021. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (WHO/MHP/HPS/EML/2021.02). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
# 4 Source
- code.mathr.co.uk/prescribot
git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/prescribot.git