# Harry

Text-mode audio file viewer.

# 1 Screenshot


# 2 ASCII Grab

file 0:00:05:53.851 mathr_-_lockaccum.wav
view 0:00:00:00.232 gain 1 | speed 1 
at   0:00:05:31.395
              ^                         |
       ^^^  ^ +  ^  ^^      ^ ^   ^^    |      ^^      ^       ^^
      ^++~ ^~ ~ ^+  ~~  @   +@+  ^@@    |~^   ^~@      @~     ^~+       ~^
      ~~~*^~* @^+@^^@*  ~~  @~~  ~*~^  ^|@~   ~@*~    ~~@^   ^@@~     ^~*~^    ^
 ^  ~~***@~*@ ~~~~~+~@ ^+@  ~v*  @~v+  ~|~*  ^@~~@   ~@v~~   ~~~@^^^ ^~@@@~^ ^^+
vv   v***+@~+~ ** @* +~* +~~  *^^+  @^~+| +~~~   v@~~*v  +@^@@  v~@@@*~   v@~@@~
      ~**+~v+@ @~ ~@ v@@ v@@  ~@++  v@@v| v@@@    ~@@~   v~~~+    +~~~v    ~@*+
      v~~vv vv ~v v~  ~~  ~*  v~@v   +~ |  ~~~    v~v     v@vv    vvv      +v~v
        +      v   v   v  v~    ~    vv |  vv      v                       v
        v                               |
        ^  ^  ^         ^   ^^^   ^     |       ^      ^^
      ^^~~ +~ ~ ^~  ~~  ~^  ~~~  ^~~   ^|~^   ^@~^     @+^    ~~^      ^~~
      ++**^~* @ +@^ @@  @+  @@*  ~@@^  +|@+   ~*@+   ^~~@~   ^@@~      ~**     ^
~ ^  ^~~*@~@@ ~^~~~^~* ^v~  ~v@  @~v+  ~|~@^  @~~@   +@v~*^  +~+@^^  ~^@@@~  ^ ~
vv v +@@*~*~++v@* ** +^@ v~*  *^^~  @^~~| v@++v   @^~@   ~@^~*   ~~~@@~v vv@@@@*
     v~**+~++@ ** ~@ v@*  @@  ~@@v  ~@*v|  *@@    *@@~    ~@@~   v@@~~v    ~*~v~
      v~~vvvvv ~~ v*  ~~  ~~   ~~   v~@ |  ~~~    ~~~     v~v      +       v~+
       vv      v   ~  v    v    v     v |  vvv    vvv      v       v         v

Note: this misses ANSI terminal boldness variation highlights.

# 3 Source Code


git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/harry.git

# 4 Dependencies


  • gcc
  • make
  • libncurses-dev
  • libsndfile-dev


  • libsdl2-dev

# 5 Build

with SDL audio backend and OpenMP parallism:


without SDL:

make SDL=

without OpenMP parallelism:

make OMP=

# 6 Help

harry -- text-mode audio file viewer
Copyright (C) 2019,2020,2022  Claude Heiland-Allen
License: GNU AGPLv3+

    harry [--audio <driver>] FILE
        open audio file for interactive viewing
        this harry is compiled with these audio drivers:
            sdl (default)
    harry -?,-h,-H,--help
        this message
    harry -v,-V,--version
        output version string
    harry -S,--source
        output harry's source code to the current working directory
        files written: harry.c Makefile README.md COPYING.md

    ESC, Q         quit
    Left, Right    scroll through time
    Up, Down       zoom in and out
    Home           zoom out to fit whole file in view
    End            zoom in to single samples
    W              waveform display
    S              spectrogram display
    +, =, -, 1     adjust audio display volume
    9, 0           adjust audio output volume
    M              toggle mute
    Space, P       toggle playback
    [, ]           adjust playback speed
    Shift-L        toggle file looping
    l              configure A-B looping
    F              toggle playback cursor follow mode

# 7 Display

harry does mipmap reduction for more-correct display of resampled signals.

# 7.1 Waveforms

harry displays signal statistics per cell column, averaged over duration:

  • v: minimum
  • ^: maximum
  • @: average
  • ~: deviation
  • -: zero

# 7.2 Spectrums

harry displays RMS energy per octave in rows, higher pitches on top, averaged over duration:

  • .,+oO0@#: quiet to loud

# 7.3 Information

A-B loop points are marked with :, the play cursor is marked with |.

At the bottom is a representation of the whole file: outside the view is [ and ], inside the view is =, loop points are marked |: and :|. The play cursor is marked >.

# 8 Sound

harry plays sound using SDL2, which has a PulseAudio backend. You can run harry remotely and forward the audio over an SSH tunnel to play from a local audio device:

localhost$ scp ~/.config/pulse/cookie remotehost:.config/pulse/cookie
localhost$ ssh -R 24713:localhost:4713 remotehost
remotehost$ export PULSE_SERVER="tcp:localhost:24713"
remotehost$ harry audio.wav

The remote host does not need PulseAudio daemon running.

# 9 Bugs

  • harry v4 eats a large amount of RAM, over 8 bytes per sample per channel, 44 MB/min.
  • harry v2 ate a huge amount of RAM, over 20 bytes per sample per channel, 110 MB/min.
  • harry v1 ate a vast amount of RAM, over 32 bytes per sample per channel, 176 MB/min.
  • CD audio eats 2 bytes per sample per channel, 11 MB/min.

# 10 Change Log

  1. initial release

  2. reduced memory consumption to a factor of 5 / 8

    fix use of uninitialized memory

    close SDL audio device when done

    free memory before exit

  3. spectrum rendering via Haar wavelets

  4. reduced memory consumption to a factor of 2 / 5

# 11 License

harry – text-mode audio file viewer

Copyright (C) 2019,2020,2022 Claude Heiland-Allen

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.