# Music

# 1 Live Performance

mathr livecodes in the C programming language.

mathr&netz play ommatidia, live audio-visual improvisation with hardware synths.

# 2 Things

B15 (2008, 2024-)

Abstract fractal snowflakes using an iterated function system.

Bowntz (2010-)

An audio-visual pseudo-physical simulation of colliding circles.

cellphone (2023-)

Phonetic sonification of a cellular automaton.

CyPi (2010-)

Audio-visual drone.

Deep Disco (2021-)

“Unpink” noise generator for classic Amiga.

disco/designer (2019-)

Interactive noise fingerprint synthesizer.

Dynamo (2011-)

Techno generator in Pure-data.

GraphGrow (2007-)

Realtime interactive audio-visual fractal designer.

Harmonic Protocol (2019-)

Choice of 61 drones using EDO tunings.

Harmonic Protocols (2022-)

Interactive drones with a matrix mixer.

Phones At Home (2022-)

Phonetic sonnet generator.

Puzzle (2008-)

Audio-visual sliding tile puzzle.

RDEX (2008-)

Reaction-diffusion explorer.

Whirlpool (2023-)

A fractal whirlpool using an iterated function system of Möbius transformations.

z→z²+c (2010, 2023-)

Mandelbrot music.

# 3 Tools


A system for performing live music by coding in the C programming language.


A live-coding system for bytebeat/rampcode with postfix notation.


Audio fingerprint discrimination and resynthesis via Haar wavelets.


A simple XY oscilloscope, to help me debug my code.


A text mode audio file viewer.

# 4 Change Log

  1. 2024-08-01 Deeper Disco
  2. 2024-07-21 Clive
  3. 2024-07-21 Live In Norwich
  4. 2024-07-18 Needlework
  5. 2024-07-10 Rodney
  6. 2024-07-04 Golden Ratio Maximus
  7. 2024-06-03 9 Beet Stretch
  8. 2024-05-07 Cactus Juice
  9. 2024-03-19 Scaling of trees
  10. 2024-03-05 BitBreeder
  11. 2024-02-08 B15
  12. 2024-01-12 disco/designer
  13. 2023-12-17 NOISEMAS III
  14. 2023-12-07 Whirlpool
  15. 2023-11-12 cellphone
  16. 2023-04-27 Phones At Home
  17. 2023-04-26 Puzzle
  18. 2023-04-26 Disco
  19. 2023-04-26 Harry
  20. 2023-04-26 CyPi
  21. 2023-04-26 GraphGrow
  22. 2023-04-26 RDEX
  23. 2023-04-26 Harmonic Protocol
  24. 2023-04-25 Deep Disco
  25. 2023-04-25 Dynamo
  26. 2023-04-20 z→z²+c
  27. 2023-04-18 Bowntz
  28. 2023-03-28 Creamed Whip
  29. 2022-12-20 Harmonic Protocols
  30. 2022-12-06 Barry
  31. 2022-08-04 lockaccum
  32. 2022-08-01 Rocks
  33. 2022-06-10 Rainstorm
  34. 2022-05-23 Tree Core
  35. 2022-02-22 Twosday
  36. 2022-02-11 Cerebral Infection
  37. 2022-01-14 Zigzag
  38. 2021-12-29 Non-Smooth
  39. 2021-10-16 Separated Perpendicular
  40. 2021-08-17 Gradient (video)
  41. 2021-08-01 Smoltech (video)
  42. 2020-09-07 Charred Bard
  43. 2020-09-06 Special Branch