# z→z²+c

Originally a four track EP made with Pure-data and GridFlow in 2010, released on GOSUB10 netlabel: blog post / archive.

The software part took the form of a Mandelbrot set explorer, with a “periodoscope” to analyse attractors, and sonify them with 4 audio presets.

Generative artwork rebooted in 2023.

# 1 Exhibitions

# 1.1 The Engine Room 2023

The Engine Room: International Sound Art Exhibition 2023 at Morley Gallery, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7HT (15 minutes walk from Waterloo).

Exhibition runs 24th April to 18th May 2023, gallery opening times Monday to Friday noon - 5pm, Saturday 1pm - 5pm.

Register for free tickets for the private view Thursday 27th April 2023 6pm - 8pm followed by multichannel performances at IKLECTIK.

# 2 Examples

# 2.1 The Military-Industrial Complex

1/2 5/6 1/2 1/5 8/9

1/2 5/6 1/2 1/5 8/9

# 2.2 After The Despoilment

2/9 1/2 2/7 2/3

2/9 1/2 2/7 2/3

# 2.3 Race Against Time

3/4 7/10 1/4 1/7

3/4 7/10 1/4 1/7

# 2.4 Before Civilisation

9/16 5/11 1/2 4/5

9/16 5/11 1/2 4/5

# 3 Code


The zzc/ subfolder is the Pure-data version, which may be hard to get working as GridFlow is no longer maintained. License GPL-v3-or-later.

The src/ subfolder is a reboot in C99, taking an analytical approach: using a list of internal angles to define structure and \(c\), instead of browsing \(c\) and figuring the structure out later.

Comes with two shell scripts: one that orchestrates an internet radio station, and one that orchestrates an audio-visual gallery installation. License AGPL-v3-only.

Output is licensed under the Free Art License.

# 4 Radio

Streaming from an rpi3b+.

Experimental web-based player with client-side graphics generation: mathr.co.uk/zzc

# 5 Graphics

In the C99 reboot, instead of showing the Mandelbrot set, a zoomed view of the Julia set for the \(c\) value is drawn. Graphics are disabled by default because the computation is quite heavy at high quality.