# B15

Abstract fractal snowflakes using an iterated function system.

Soundtrack from Forty Words For Snow (2007), made with Pd.

# 1 2024

Rebooted in 2024, I ported the fractal shapes from PostScript to custom C + OpenCL code calculating an iterated function system.

Compared to 2008:

  • higher resolution and framerate with better codec;
  • aspect ratio from 4:3 -> 16:9;
  • less basic animation sequencing;
  • slower (especially rotation);
  • automatic rescaling of transforms to a target fractal dimension;
  • automatic transformation probability weights for even fill;
  • motion blur;
  • added a circle inversion transformation to get some curves and fill out the background.

# 1.1 Watch

1920x1080p60 MP4 (337MB), 3m38s, sound

# 1.2 Screenshot

B15 (2024)

# 1.3 Download

Internet Archive torrent contains several files (filter in your client if desired)

Individual MP4 (h264 + aac) download link:

Internet Archive page

# 2 2008

Original blog posts:

# 2.1 Watch

768x576p25 MPEG (209MB), 3m41s, sound

# 2.2 Screenshot

B15 (2008)

# 2.3 Download

Internet Archive torrent contains several files (filter in your client if desired)

Individual MPEG download links:

# 3 Source Code

Browse: code.mathr.co.uk/b15.

git clone https://code.mathr.co.uk/b15.git