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IFS fractals in Inkscape

IFS fractals in Inkscape

A recent post by matty686 on fractalforums about Photoshop IFS fractals got me interested. I didn't manage to do it in GIMP 2.8.18, but succeeded with Inkscape 0.92.4. The process needs two PNG images, I didn't succeed with only one. Once you have set up the transformed linked images that reference "bitmap.png", repeatedly export the page to "bitmap2.png" (pressing return in the box with the filename does this quickly) and in a terminal "mv bitmap2.png bitmap.png" when the export has finished. Here are some explanatory screenshots:

(all images in one page)

This could probably be scripted within Inkscape so you don't have to do so much manual repetitive work at the end: this is just a proof of concept.