clive workshop

Claude Heiland-Allen


clive workshop



My name is Claude Heiland-Allen. I’m from London, UK. I’m interested in art, computers, free software, maths, science.


I perform live music by coding in the C programming language, to manipulate audio processing algorithms while they are running.


Install Party


This presentation is online:

Access it now so you can copy/paste.


Linux Sound

“The nice thing about standards is there are so many to choose from”

clive-server Audio

clive-server was originally JACK-only.

But now it can work with other APIs too, via SDL2.

Configuring Linux Sound

Hopefully you have sound working already.

Goal 0 of this workshop:

Command Line Terminal

Most of the installation and configuration will require using the terminal shell to enter text commands.

Important commands include:

Install Dependencies

For Debian (and other apt-based distributions like Ubuntu):

sudo apt install \
    git ca-certificates \
    build-essential pkg-config \
    htop xterm geany nano \
    libsdl2-dev libjack-jackd2-dev

Other distributions should have similar packages.


git is a distributed version control system for managing evolving changes to text documents, primarily computer source code.

We will be working offline, after the initial clone operation.

git needs to know who you are when commiting your code changes:

git config --global "My Name"
git config --global "my@email"

If you publish your repository, this will be made public.

xrandr (optional)

clive window sizes are optimized for 1920x1080 screen. Check the identifiers of your displays:


My laptop has only 1366x768 display. I fake it:

xrandr \
  --output LVDS-0 \
  --scale-from 1920x1080 \
  --same-as HDMI-0

This is temporary (until logout).

Get clive

clive consists of a server, client, launch scripts, and user code, all in one repository:

mkdir -p ~/code
cd ~/code
git clone \
cd clive-workshop

Build clive-server

clive-server is the part that runs the code and makes the sound.

If you know you are using JACK:

make -C server API=jack

otherwise you are probably using PulseAudio:

make -C server API=sdl2

Build clive-client

clive-client is the part that watches for code changes and runs the compiler.

The compiler converts source code text that humans can understands into machine code that the CPU can understand.

make -C client

Test clive

To test:

cd ~/code/clive-workshop
git checkout metronome

You should hear regular beeping.

To exit, hit Ctrl-C in the terminal you started the launch script in.

Break time

Take a short break.

Digital Audio

Digital audio


Audio properties




Audio processing


Implementation details

Comparison to other software

Workshop goals

  1. don’t break your working system

  2. git version control system basics

  1. C programming for audio

  2. digital audio processing

Example track 2022-01-15/claude.html

time-based synthesis


Launch clive:

cd ~/code/clive-workshop
git checkout metronome

If using JACK or PipeWire: useful to have qjackctl or other monitor open.




code structure

At the top of go.c are some boilerplate definitions.

Then the memory layout, typedef struct { ... } S. The first member of the struct must be an int. It gets set to 1 when the code is reloaded.

Finally the callback function go(). It gets passed the memory as an S * (pointer to S), as well as the audio buffers and their sizes.

The other files loaded into Geany are to make code completion in the editor work better.

memory layout

Example struct

The image in the previous slide corresponds to:

typedef struct {
  int reloaded;
  PHASOR clock;
  PHASOR osc;
  LOP lop;
  BIQUAD bq;
  COMPRESS compress;
} S;

changing struct

It’s only safe to add things at the bottom.

Deleting, inserting or reordering items can cause problems.

This is because the underlying memory is not updated to match the new description.

C language

Most spaces are insignificant.

Statements end in ;

Blocks are wrapped in { }

Declarations statements have a type (usually sample) and a name optionally followed = by an initializer (then ;).

Operators include: = == < > + - * /, full list at:

C comments

Comments are useful for disabling code without deleting it.

One-line comments start with //.

Block comments are wrapped in /* */, they don’t nest.

Larger blocks can be disabled with #if 0:

#if 0

Re-enable with #if 1.


It is easy to make a mistake.

Watch the client window. The first error is the most important, you may need to scroll up with Shift-PgUp. Line numbers tell you where the error is.

Most mistakes are typos. Look at the relevant line carefully.

If your edits are not changing the sound at all, you might have an error.

common mistakes

spelling mistakes

declaration mistakes

scope mistakes

structure mistakes

function mistakes

crash errors


The bottom of go.c fills in the output arrays:

out[0] is left audio

out[1] is right audio

Output signals should be between -1 and 1.

See qjackctl → connections window.


A sample is a number supporting fractional values:

sample bpm; // in struct

Choose the tempo in beats per minute:

s->bpm = 125; // in go()

To convert BPM into (16 beats) per second:

sample hz_for_4_bars = s->bpm / 60 / 16;

Remember points if a value isn’t already a sample:

125   / 60   == 2
125.0 / 60.0 == 2.0833333333333335


In struct section, the PHASOR preserves the phase between function calls:

PHASOR clock;

In go section, this advances the phase one sample and returns it into t:

sample t = phasor(&s->clock, s->bpm / 60 / 16);

Audio oscillators have phase too:

PHASOR osc;  // in struct
sample p = phasor(&s->osc, 440); // in go()


The clock phase ramps up from 0 to 1 every 4 bars:

sample t = phasor(&s->clock, s->bpm / 60 / 16);

To make a ramp for 1 bar:

sample bar = wrap(4 * t);

To make a ramp for 1 beat:

sample beat = wrap(4 * bar);

Fractional multipliers are also possible:

sample beat = wrap(8.0 / 3.0 * bar);


A volume envelope is the variation of volume over time. The beat phase can be used, it fades in:

sample env = beat;

Another variation is either on or off, a rectangle pulse:

sample duty = 0.25;
sample env = beat < duty;

A more percussive envelope:

sample env = 1 - beat;

beat ramps from 0 to 1, so env ramps from 1 to 0.


Percussive volume envelopes start loud and end quiet:

sample env = 1 - beat;

Envelopes sound better with a bit of a curve:

env = pow(env, 4); // try one at a time
env = pow(env, 8);
env = pow(env, 16);


Fourier analysis tells us tones can be formed out of sine waves.

The sin() function has a repetition period of twopi:

sample p = phasor(&s->osc, 440);
sample tone = sin(twopi * p);

Multiplying by an integer gives harmonics:

sample tone = sin(1 * twopi * p); // fundamental
sample tone = sin(2 * twopi * p); // octave
sample tone = sin(3 * twopi * p); // octave+fifth
sample tone = sin(4 * twopi * p); // two octaves


Tones can be mixed, even varying over time:

sample complex_tone = mix
  ( sin(1 * twopi * p)
  , sin(2 * twopi * p)
  , 0.25 // mostly the first tone
sample time_varying_tone = mix
  ( sin(2 * twopi * p)
  , sin(3 * twopi * p)
  , wrap(2 * bar)

Keyword: additive synthesis


The tanh() function is a soft clipper: the output is always between -1 and 1, but louder input signals get more distorted.

sample distorted = tanh(4 * time_varying_tone);

When there is more than one sine wave component, more complicated sounds result.

The sin() function can also be used for distortion:

sample distorted = sin(4 * time_varying_tone);

Keyword: wave-shaping


Envelopes can be applied to pitch as well as volume.

A simple kick drum is a decaying downwards sine wave sweep:

sample kick = 1 - wrap(beat);
kick = pow(kick, 8);
kick *= sin(12 * twopi * kick);

Try changing the curve power and frequency multipler.


A simple snare is enveloped noise:

sample snare = 1 - wrap(2 * bar - 0.5);
snare = pow(snare, 16);
snare *= noise();

Subtracting 0.5 from the phase makes it on the off-beat.

Slower beats need a higher power curve to sound similar.

break time

Exit clive: press Ctrl-C in the terminal you launched it from.

Create a git tag to refer to later:

git tag -a metronome-jamming \
  -m "workshop 2022-01-15 time-based synthesis"

Take a break!

feedback processes

git log

The history of your edits is saved in your git repository:

git status
git log --oneline

The messages are automatic, so not informative. To see what changed, use git show with the hash of the commit, for example:

git show e02762d

git checkout

You can access branches and tags by name:

git checkout metronome-jamming

You can list branches and tags:

git branch -a
git tag -ln


Now we will continue from a different branch:

cd ~/code/clive-workshop
git checkout workshop

This is the basis of a short live performance. Here’s the one I prepared earlier again, this time you should understand more of the code edits: 2022-01-15/claude.html



biquad highpass

The kick is a bit feeble. Add more bass with a resonant filter. Use a high-pass filter to preserve the attack.

BIQUAD kickbq; // in struct

sample kkQ = flatq; // resonance
sample kkHz = 60; // pitch
kick = biquad
  ( highpass(&s->kickbq, kkHz, kkQ) // filter
  , kick // input

Try changing the Q in 10–100, and the Hz in 20–200.


Make the snare more interesting: boost mids.

VCF snarevcf[2]; // in struct

sample snQ = flatq; // resonance
sample snHz = 600; // pitch
sn[0] = vcf(&s->snarevcf[0],
  snQ * sn[0], snHz, snQ); // filter

Try changing the Q in 5–50, and the Hz in 200–2000. Remember to increase the volume if you don’t hear any changes:

sample snare_gain = 1;


Give the snare a lo-fi feel: quantize in time.

PHASOR crush; // in struct
SAMPHOLD snaresh[2];

sample crush = phasor(&s->crush, 4000);
sn[0] = samphold(&s->snaresh[0], sn[0], crush);
sn[1] = samphold(&s->snaresh[1], sn[1], crush);

Try changing the phasor frequency in 1000–10000. In 4000 * pow(1, cos(twopi * t)) try changing the base from 1 to 2.


Make the second snare in each bar repeat conditionally:

sample snare = 1 - wrap(2 * bar + 0.5);
if (bar > 0.75) {
  snare = wrap(8 * snare);

An else branch is optional, { ... } are only needed for more than one statement:

if (bar > 0.75) snare = wrap(8 * snare);
else snare = 1 - snare;


The ternary operator can be used in expressions:

snare = wrap((t < 0.75 ? 8 : 6) * snare);
kick = wrap((bar < 0.75 ? 1 : 2) * kick);

Conditionals give 0 and 1, so this could be written:

snare = wrap((8 - 2 * (t < 0.75)) * snare);
kick = wrap((1 + (bar < 0.75)) * kick);

delay feedback

Filters operate on short delays (a few samples). Longer delays can be used for echoes.

Scroll to around line 130 and change feedback to 1.

Note: usually feedback should be between -1 and 1, but this example has a dynamic range compressor to prevent explosions.

Change feedin to 0 to hear the delay recirculating without any input.


If feedback is too large, delay line can explode. In such an emergency, clear the whole memory buffer:

if (s->reloaded) {
  memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));

Once you have found and fixed the problem, comment out to avoid reset again on next save:

if (s->reloaded) {
  // memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));

delay time

Scroll to around line 100 to see:

sample ms[2] =
  { (1000 * 60 / s->bpm) *
      (wrap(1 * t) < 1 ? 4. / 4 : 1. / 64)
  , (1000 * 60 / s->bpm) *
      (wrap(2 * t) < 1 ? 4. / 4 : 1. / 48)

Change the 4./4 to 3./4 or 2./4.

Change the 3 in the lop() below to 0.1 and make more changes to the delay factors. Listen carefully.

Change the 0.1 back to 3 and the delay factors to 2./4.

delay time sequencing

Change wrap(1 * t) < 1 to wrap(1 * t) < 0.75.

Change wrap(2 * t) < 1 to wrap(2 * t) < 0.50.

Go back to line 130 or so and change feedin to 0.1 to restore input to the delay line.

delay line filters

The delay line has a band-pass filter to cut out very low frequencies and very high frequencies.

Scroll to line 140 or so, and change the hip() 10 to 100 to cut more bass, and change the lop() 10000 to 1000 to cut more treble.

delay line stereo

This example has two mono delay lines to make a stereo delay. The delay lines are mixed together with a rotation matrix, around line 120.

Try changing the angle from twopi / 24 to twopi * t to make it vary over time.

Try adding a continually changing delay time too, just before sample del[2] on line 110 or so insert:

ms[0] += 10 * cos(twopi * bar);
ms[1] += 10 * sin(twopi * bar);

preparing for rehearsal

Make edits until it sounds like your ideal start of performance.

Exit clive with Ctrl-C in the terminal you started it from.

neatening up

Make a note of session-branch name, the latest session-2022-etc.

git status

Create a new branch name workshop-myname.

git checkout workshop
git checkout -b workshop-myname
git merge --squash session-branch-name
git commit -m "getting ready for rehearsal"

Now the history is short and sweet.

practice performance

git checkout workshop-myname

Ctrl-C in the terminal to finish.