I finally finished the DVD I've been working on, using only Free/Libre Open Source Software. Here's a quick outline of the method used to make it.
0. Menu
For maximum compatibility with DVD players, the menu background video must be a multiple of the GOP (group of pictures) size (15 frames long for PAL, and I think 18 frames for NTSC).
all: 1_0_SoftRockEP.mpg 1_0_SoftRockEP.mpg: spumux.xml menu.mpg buttons-blue.png buttons-green.png buttons-red.png spumux -m dvd -s 0 -P spumux.xml <menu.mpg >1_0_SoftRockEP.mpg menu.mpg: audio.mp2 video.m2v mplex -f 8 audio.mp2 video.m2v -o menu.mpg audio.mp2: dd if=/dev/zero bs=4 count=86400 | toolame -b 128 -s 48 /dev/stdin audio.mp2 video.m2v: cd PNG &&../
ls | xargs -n1 pngtopnm | ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -S 420mpeg2 | mpeg2enc -f 8 -a 2 -o ../video.m2v
<subpictures> <stream> <spu start="00:00:00.00" image="buttons-blue.png" highlight="buttons-red.png" select="buttons-green.png" force="yes" > <button name="magma" x0="16" y0="16" x1="176" y1="144" up="magma" down="playall" left="magma" right="lavaflow" /> <button name="lavaflow" x0="192" y0="16" x1="352" y1="144" up="lavaflow" down="playall" left="magma" right="quicksand" /> <button name="quicksand" x0="368" y0="16" x1="528" y1="144" up="quicksand" down="playall" left="lavaflow" right="nucleus" /> <button name="nucleus" x0="544" y0="16" x1="704" y1="144" up="nucleus" down="playall" left="quicksand" right="nucleus" /> <button name="playall" x0="16" y0="432" x1="704" y1="560" up="magma" down="playall" left="playall" right="playall" /> </spu> </stream> </subpictures>
1. Magma
As this was the first track I prepared for DVD, I was working directly from the command line and forgot to record the exact commands used. The steps were: generate video (in the form of multiple TGA image files) from audio using Pd+GridFlow, convert all TGA files to PNG files, encode multiple PNG files to MPEG2 video (see 0. Menu for details), encode WAV audio to MP2 audio, multiplex audio+video to DVD MPEG.
2. Lava Flow
A slightly refined version of the interactive command-line process of 1. Magma, omitting the conversion from TGA to PNG, using this little script:
#!/bin/bash gzcat $1 | tgatoppm -
3. Quicksand
Using a script to encode.
#!/bin/bash find TGA | xargs -n1 ./ | ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 | mpeg2enc -f 8 -a 2 -o video.m2v
4. Nucleus
Direct MPEG generation from Pd+Gridflow using a PPM FIFO (named pipe) instead of intermediate individual image files. GridFlow writes consecutive frames to fifo.ppm, previously created with mkfifo.
#!/bin/bash cat fifo.ppm | ppmtoy4m -F 25:1 -S 420mpeg2 | mpeg2enc -f 8 -a 2 -o ./video-nosound.m2v
The DVD/*/*.mpg files are symlinked in DVD/DVD to make things neater.
<dvdauthor dest="dvd" jumppad="no"> <vmgm /> <titleset> <menus> <video /> <audio /> <pgc entry="root" pause="0"> <vob file="1_0_SoftRockEP.mpg" pause="inf" /> <button name="magma" >{ jump title 1; }</button> <button name="lavaflow" >{ jump title 2; }</button> <button name="quicksand">{ jump title 3; }</button> <button name="nucleus" >{ jump title 4; }</button> <button name="playall" >{ jump title 5; }</button> </pgc> </menus> <titles> <pgc> <vob file="1_1_Magma.mpg" /> <post>{ call menu entry root; }</post> </pgc> <pgc> <vob file="1_2_LavaFlow.mpg" /> <post>{ call menu entry root; }</post> </pgc> <pgc> <vob file="1_3_Quicksand.mpg" /> <post>{ call menu entry root; }</post> </pgc> <pgc> <vob file="1_4_Nucleus.mpg" /> <post>{ call menu entry root; }</post> </pgc> <pgc> <vob file="1_1_Magma.mpg" /> <vob file="1_2_LavaFlow.mpg" /> <vob file="1_3_Quicksand.mpg" /> <vob file="1_4_Nucleus.mpg" /> <post>{ call menu entry root; }</post> </pgc> </titles> </titleset> </dvdauthor>
#!/bin/bash rm -rf dvd dvd.iso && dvdauthor -x dvd.xml && mkisofs -dvd-video -o dvd.iso dvd
Use your favourite burning software to burn the DVD/DVD/dvd.iso image on a DVD.