If you're wondering where all the action is...
If you're wondering where all the action is...
A clever trick and a cleverer trick.
Quick interior checks for Mandelbrot set escape time acceleration.
We Have Phones At Home. Phones At Home: AA AE AH AO AW AY B CH D DH EH ER EY F G HH IH IY JH K L M N NG OW OY P R S SH T TH UH UW V W Y Z ZH.
Updated to work with current Hackage.
Maintenance release compatible with latest miniaudio, plus bugfixes.
Porting a technique from Deep Disco to disco/designer
Download items and collections from the Internet Archive.
Stopping putting the AI into PLAIGIARISM.
Not to be confused with multi-verse poetry...
Using difference lists to turn out of memory into tiny constant space.
Given the total count of weights, how many shapes can the network have?
How to compile Lua 5.4.4 using Borland Turbo C 2.01 on FreeDOS 1.3.
Algorave is made from "sounds wholly or predominantly characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive conditionals".
Perturbation with rebasing, and bilinear approximation, for efficient rendering of fractal images.
A forward-rendered project from 2009 is remade using ray-tracing of signed distance fields.
A comparison of floating point implementations.
Many new features, bugfixes and speed improvements.
A counter-example to a conjecture.
The greenest technology is the one you already have.
Affine-conjugation to move the critical point to 0 to avoid precision loss.
(!!! STROBE WARNING !!!) Another small techno music video.
Using a computer algebra system to explore patterns.
In which various initial guesses for Newton's method are tested.
Many new features, bugfixes and speed improvements.
A small techno music video.
A fractal music video with both zooming and non-zooming parts.
Analysis of a fractal artwork by JWM.
Co.Lab Sounds is back again with Fringe Art Bath for their 2021 festival!
Many enhancements for speed and comfort.
Embedding a 2D image into a 1D palette that gets wrapped back to 2D by fractal spirals.
Perturbation and rescaling for efficient rendering of fractal images.
Synchronizing fractal zooms to audio with kf-2.15.2 and zoomasm-3.0.
Supporting custom colouring algorithms direct from KF 2.15.2.
Design your own custom colouring algorithms in OpenGL GLSL shader fragments.
Streaming performances this Saturday.
Lazy text allows parsing huge files, provided you read them twice.
A long weekend of live coding performances + talks + more, for TOPLAP's birthday.
Optimal in the sense of most uniform distribution of points.
For security sandboxing. Challenges and solutions.
Free registration required, online performance February 6th, MX and online.
Plenty more bug fixes, plus a new feature. Also belated 2.0 release announcement.
The 18th edition of the Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies, November 19-21 2020 in Bergen (NO).
Plenty of bug fixes, plus GUI transparency controls and PPM export without FFmpeg.
OpenCL acceleration, hybrid formula designer, exponential map, and more.
First release of the zoom video assembler.
The 6th edition of the 48-hour showcase extravaganza from Stadtwerkstatt.
Summer solstice music festival marathon fundraiser, streaming online.
Finding the optimal zoom ratio when reusing the center portion.
Charitable music compilation in aid of independent music venues in London.
Co.Lab Sound experimental test bed for collaborative live and sound art at Fringe Arts Bath online festival.
Lots of new features, lots of bug fixes, lots of speed improvements.
What if a systemd boot service units were to shut down the computer?
Histograms of histograms to blur separably bucket by bucket.
Fed up with counting brackets, I adopted postfix-notation. Now I am fed up with counting stack items...
Not a Mandelbrot set deep zoom, but it might resemble one at first glance with its nested period-doubling crises.
Pull back a path from iterates of θ to find cθ.
Gluing two z2+c quadratic Julia sets sometimes gives a z2+az2+b rational Julia set.
Archival experiments with LaTeX.
Improved mobile experience.
Small tools in C for Linux and Blitz Basic 2 for Amiga to transfer files over serial MIDI link.
RDEX in group show at Hop Projects CT20, Folkestone, UK, curated by Laura Netz.
Two ways of rendering the 4D Mandelbrot/Julia/Buddhabrot hologram.
Group show featuring Dynamo, and Clive workshop, in Zagreb, Croatia.
Text-mode audio file viewer.
Extract channels of EXR files.
mathr&netz perform with hardware synthesizers accompanied by psychedelic fly vision projection.
Haar wavelets → energy per octave → energy per octave over time → audio fingerprint
An arbitrary number of limbs before and after the point, for higher precision within a limited range.
An extra branch is floated out. Plus SIMD to make it even faster.
Properly rounded floating point numbers of arbitrary precision via MPFR.
Conference paper: At the Helm of the Burning Ship
Feedback amplifying tones according to the level 7 semitones away.
Algorithms are infecting discos and ruining lives.
An autostereogram is a single-image stereogram, designed to create the visual illusion of a three-dimensional scene from a two-dimensional image.
Photos of exhibition at Chalton Gallery, by Pau Ros.
Digital art, computer graphics, Free/Libre open source software. 12-27th April 2019.
Open call for talks on sound arts, live audio-visual performances, and live 4.1 music.
Festival of sound creation using the internet as a venue for diffusing live experimental, drone, noise, field recordings, sound poetry, electronic, contemporary music, ...
One second long movies on the theme of humans vs nature.
Celebrating 15 years of live-coding, part of an international multi-day streaming event.
A multiple copy reduction machine via linked images.
Morphing a Butterworth filter between low pass and high pass.
An afternoon of live coding at New River Studios, London.
Compile a modified libpd and pure-data to HTML, Javascript, Web Assembly.
Animated Voronoi cells on a sphere.
Reject lower periods, and iteratively perturb a known cycle along a path.
Rejecting lower periods by division, instead of checking later.
Screenings, talks, performances, London, late November 2018.
In which the usual heirarchy of audio APIs on Linux is inverted.
A small region bouncing around the dynamical plane seldom touches an axis.
Doing less, less accurately, and less often.
Based on the size estimate for mini-ships, use derivative matrices to calculate optimal viewing transformation.
Probably the world's first two-room Algorave, with an international line-up of top notch live coders and algorithmic producers.
An implementation of someone else's paper.
How to determine the number of Misiurewicz points of a given (pre)period in the Mandelbrot Set.
My a/v work Puzzle is part of a group show, 6th-22nd August 2018.
All shortest paths between words by adjacency of prounciation.
Detached key and title options, with example for embedding in PDF.
Jul 6th-13th 2018, opening Friday July 6th, 8 PM, at Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/I, Rijeka)
Linux Audio Conference Sound Night in Berlin.
Video screening at the Art In Flux Exhibition this week in London.
Exploring the fertility of errors and questioning our inherited worldview.
Toulouse Hacker Space Factory #9
Scattering aliasing across the spectrum as white noise instead of folded frequency peaks.
A collection of rules for deriving perturbed iterations.
104 live streams of algorithmic dance music+friends over 72 hours.
Decomposing a 2x2 matrix into scale rotate and stretch.
A fast way to pick a random unoccupied pixel in an image.
An Interstellar Cloud Of Dust.
Fading between levels of detail to avoid huge scale differences and sharp edges.
Regions surrounding mini-ships.
A fractal like the Mandelbrot set but with absolute values thrown in to the mix.
Model the whole complex plane via the Riemann sphere as an OpenGL cube map.
Sphere rotations correspond to certain elliptic Möebius transformations, which can be interpolated in a Bézier fashion.
Do the same for Misiurewicz domains as has recently been done for atom domains.
Coordinates within an atom domain surrounding a periodic nucleus in the Mandelbrot set.
Keyframe animation and the return of single precision support with OpenGL 3.3 (OpenGL 4 double precision still an option)
Nucleus finding, Misiurewicz point finding, and a bit of guesswork, combine for successful O(period) automatic Julia morphing.
Lots of structure and subtle variety.
Improving image quality by avoiding catastrophic cancellations.
Untyped lambda calculus performance and seminar
Some conclusions about perturbation techniques.
A self-published physical artifact of reaction-diffusion.
A live-coded bytebeat music session inspired by approaching autumn.
A code recital performance in untyped lambda calculus.
Computing Padé approximants isn't so hard after all.
Stop when it's hot, continue when it's cooler.
Four hours of Noise in the Shed! From 4pm till 8, part of Smash it Out.
New sorting and filtering flags, plus pattern fill for low ink printing.
Based on a SIGGRAPH 2001 paper, with blue noise generated by inverse Fourier transform.
Approximate self-similarity of baby Mandelbrot sets.
Asymptotic self-similarity about Misiurewicz points in the Mandelbrot set.
Borrowing from Mandel's "algorithm 9".
Algorave is a combination of "algorithms" and "rave", the opportunity to dance to alien rhythms and freaky visuals, all created from code before your eyes.
Endosymbiosis simulation leads to sticky boid-like flocks that behave like super-organisms.
Worst-case guess improved by a factor of 8.
Highlighting previously invisible periodic properties in the Mandelbrot set.
Finding periodic points in the Mandelbrot set to make annotated images.
Performance with 'clive', supporting Dirty Electronics, and modular sets by Eden Grey and Suso Flores + Crowley Engel II.
A feedback process involving speech synthesis and automatic transcription.
Using third-party libraries for acceleration.
Patterns similar to multi-layer reaction diffusion systems.
Audio feedback process inspired by Deep Dream.
Double precision using OpenGL 4 to avoid postpone ugly artifacts.
Networked diffusion of experimental, drone, noise, field recording, sound poetry, electronics...
Canonicalization over symmetries allows them to be counted.
Possible ways to reduce overhead?
Inflection mapping for complex quadratic polynomials.
Velocity Verlet integration beats Runge-Kutta 4/5 for energy conservation.
An experiment that failed with an energetic explosion.
Optimized histogram lookup by reducing excess precision.
Reaction-diffusion simulation.
January 12th to February 5th, Centro Conde Duque, Madrid, Spain.
Another arbitrary counter rolls over, hooray.
How they did it, as far as I can tell.
Interlocking space filling curves.
Conformal torus with five colours.
Five diagrams on the number 70.
"Snooper's charter" bill becomes law, extending UK state surveillance.
An application of the extended Euclidean algorithm.
Live experimental electronic music, 17th November, London.
Black-and-white flame fractals synchronized with rich ambient drones.
Thirty trees in the botanical gardens.
Image from 2013 LAC paper, Lyapunov Space of Coupled FM Oscillators.
A Euclidean tiling generalized into a hyperbolic one.
A computer-aided drawing using conformal mapping and hyperbolic tiling.
Booting Raspbian Jessie in QEMU, some notes.
Haskell interface to GMP.
Experimental OpenGL driver used by Pd and Gem with PdLua seems to work mostly fine.
A camping festival for hackers, geeks, scientists, engineers, artists, and crafters.
Claims of total superiority were premature.
Multi-artist live noise music night.
Five-bit Gray code rotary encoder.
A familiar picture emerges.
Another live gig.
Compilation album.
Deadline May 15th.
The non-trivial partitioning of a square into 3 similar rectangles.
Notes on a conjecture of Aaron Klebanoff.
Live music at the launch of a vinyl compilation album.
Talks and performances.
Interesting times...
Exponential spiral on the Riemann sphere.
Tracing the boundaries of hyperbolic components.
Piecewise integer recurrence translated to complex function.
Benchmarking three different implementations.
Secure connections with Let's Encrypt
Physics-based ray-tracing in curved space.
Haskell compiled to JavaScript with GHCJS.
When thinking a bit harder beats elaborate computer code.
Rotation numbers in angled internal addresses are significant.
Parallel loops for coefficient recursions.
Additive blending reveals many things.
Hyperbolic variation of Sayagata tiling pattern.
Because ~300 posts linked from one index is obese.
Extrapolating external angle patterns
For when you need really big numbers without high precision.
Infinite fractal television zoom
Stress overload...
Porting rrv to OpenGL 3 for a 30x speed boost.
Comparing the measured frequency response of a room with algorithmic predictions.
Square cross-section lemniscate of Bernoulli, with a twist.
Interleaved overlap-add with five colours.
Sculpting patterns in the Mandelbrot set.
9th order polynomial is both faster and more accurate than table lookup.
pole-zero -vs- direct form 2 -vs- pure-data
Solving sparse eigensystems with Octave.
Distance estimated Newton fractal for a rational function with zeros at {1, i, -1, -i} and poles at {-2, 2}.
A grid of squares getting smaller at the edges.
gitorious.org is closing, hosting myself from now on
Adding noise improves image quality during quantization.
Borrowing the multi-resolution technique from OpenGL mipmapping.
Using 2x2 matrix diagonalisation.
An extension of atom domains to preperiodic points.
Rejecting lower preperiods instead of checking later.
Sliced rendering, improved glitch correction, reduced video memory usage, and more.
Playing Tetris optimally badly.
Custom fonts, colours, hyperlinks, and visible URLs for printing.
A shadow of the Mandelbrot set formed by periodic external rays.
Numerical investigations, hoping for a combinatorial revelation.
A selection of images from the last few years.
Big bad bugs been debugged, and nifty features added.
Lots of changes in a short space of time.
Sometimes simple approaches are better.
Automatic glitch correction, zoom sequence rendering, tiled rendering for high resolution or anti-aliasing, ...
Trace a number of probe points in the atom domain.
Combining saved flake images using command line tools.
From many raw 2fold zoom images to one long strip.
A modified bump-mapping approach.
Subdivide only near the boundary.
Around embedded Julia sets in the Mandelbrot set.
Physical modelling.
Using Newton's method.
Fixing code from 1992.
With integer, preperiodic, and periodic parts.
Simulated inflatable physics.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 4.
Multicoloured spray paint stencil.
Do the hands of clockpunch ever form a regular hexagon?
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 3.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 2.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s.
Pencils at Bore Place.
7 weeks of experimentation.
Rebasing from a reference point.
Handwritten notes on various properties.
Currency manipulation.
Organism coda.
Your daily dose.
The future is unwritten (or is it?).
Based on a true experience.
An xmas present for someone special.
Conformal mapping using Möbius transformations.
Rewritten in portable C.
Interleaved dither patterns.
Chaotic rhythms from dripping taps.
Applying a technique used for fractal rendering.
A series of approximations result in a simple formula.
A cube of cubes that can be turned inside out.
The web is good for spi(d)e(r)s.
Exploring external angles.
Derived from continuous escape time.
Pencil drawing translated into GLSL code and generalized.
Feeds made more discoverable and colour scheme adjusted.
Structures in the hairs.
Derived from distance estimation for Julia sets.
Paper presentation at Linux Audio Conference 2013.
Some notes on various aspects of design and potential implementation.
Generalizing a tiling into hyperbolic variants.
Looping without energy loss.
An approximation for relatively narrow widths.
evolve noisy expressions
out of strips of paper
another representation function
always contain a multiple of 4 triangles
cutting and pasting binary digits of external angles
finding tuned branch points
triangular vertex symmetry using p²+q²+pq colours
reverse-engineering a tesselation
using old media when new is unavailable
treat it as an artist residency
speeding up external ray tracing
call for contributions
C audio livecoding skeleton
Mandelbrot Set explorer using OpenGL 4
performance with mutually-modulating FM oscillators
invited artist talk and performance
New website, new beginnings.
The Lua embedding for Pure-data.
Significant speed improvements thanks to 'floatshow' and 'attoparsec'.
Are you the one to take the project forward?
26 images of the Mandelbrot Set
Following distance estimates.
Lots to think about.
Context-aware navigation and hyperlinking.
Improved abstraction, speed and memory usage.
Now hopefully more easily installable.
An annotated conversation.
350% speed boost, woohoo!
Major feature enhancements.
Miscellaneous news about the .torrent file creation tool.
Free software art festival: workshop, installation, performance...
Implemented using Javascript.
Wednesdays in August, 7pm @ The Foundry, 86 Gt Eastern St, Old St Tube, London, UK
By popular demand.
New feature.
New engine.
Now supports Pd's [value] and [table], and Lua's require().
Bug fix release.
Bug fix release with incompatible API changes.
6D cube in OpenGL/GLSL.
udev provides a /dev/disk/by-id/ unique to each drive.
New autoconf build system and manual page.
New features: sends, receives, clocks, static build.
No algorithm to check open set condition.
Incompatible changes but upgrading recommended.
Large file support and progress bar.
Extracts useful data from OctaMED MMD0 format files.
Bug fixes and useability enhancements.
Passing data behind the scenes.
Strictness issues with ArrowLoop.
Extending PureData with Haskell.
Spring cleaning.
Media feeds and more.
The icky world of XML, XSLT and Bash.
The magic of noise cancellation.
Optimization flags for GHC.
Feature-complete metainfo file structure.
A simple command line torrent file making program.
Some thoughts.
SWIG and hand-coded wrappers.
My first DSP external for Pd.
Haskell objects for Pd.
Tone mapping for high dynamic range imaging.
Dynamic range compression.
4th-11th November 2006 / London UK
udev permission wrangling.
SVN import marathon.
A recipe for success.
DVD production using a Free Software toolchain.
Data is data is data.
Journalling filesystems (hopefully) to the rescue.
Constraint-based music programming.
Upcoming gig.
Even more dubious equations.
Dubious equations.
Sunday 2nd April 2006 / London UK
gcc bug 16625
another unfinished project...
On Forbidden Consecutives
Fun with Free Software, art, and snow.
Xorg configuration on GNU/Linux/Gentoo with ATI hardware.
Phonographic Pseudo-extortion Limited.
CSS vs IE6 box dimensions
Interesting presentations and performances.
smalllinux2 with uClibc/buildroot
Different pages for different people.
Q: What happens when you have a pair of dice, a digital camera, some left-over black card, and are bored?
Another day, another Album-A-Day.
Music to wake up to.
Pure-data's readanysf~ isn't perfect, so decode to WAV using Sed to preserve directory and filename information.
The Creative Archive License has a UK-Only clause.
Remove 'id', no primary key in association table works ok.
Mutually-modulating oscillators.
Find and execute.
Worn out MP3 player.
Go large for high quality.
The 9th blade cuts your face right off.
A unique interactive DVD.
My set went wrong but you can listen back.
A discussion with recorded music as well as live sets.
Many many hours of live music from noon to the early hours, bring you own headphones style.
Jam sessions from 2000.
Long awaited furniture.
It's all just a little bit of history repeating.
That's a lot!
A simple PHP script for indexing as RSS with enclosures.
I feel like I've come home from a long journey.
How I fixed it.
Making a system monitor.
"Phenomenally stupid" quotes one observer.
Cellular Automata in Javascript
Large portion of file.
Responded to a poster calling for works.
Temporary disaster.
Fixes crashes but features are lost.
Ggetting as far as I got is pretty good going, I think!
GOTO10 vs Okno vs LePlacard.
Phase3, Scanned, Robin Lustig, Moonlight Lens Flare, Sierpinski Circles, Photoshop Tennis, Flickr,
It's OK to grant a time-limited monopoly on some things, and it's out of the question for others
Nearly moved.
Plumbing problems and heavy lifting.
Investigation of a presumed malware.
Testing the software with Blurty.
Contract on a flat.
4 Linux installs on 1 computer, why that sounds like a fine idea!
Avoid undefined behaviour.
Radio series resumes.
More flexible than wildcards.
Using mencoder and avidemux2.
A tiny-but-powerful high-level language ideal for the reimplementation of SLab
Inside Outside album released, and Swings And Roundabouts at Openlab#1
A textual dataflow language for audio processing.
Apprehension regarding self-sufficiency.