I'm installing Gentoo
Here is what I have done so far:
- Freed up a 20GB partition to install onto
- Downloaded and burnt to a CD the install-x86-minimal.iso
- Booted from the CD
- Mounted the partition as /mnt/gentoo and activated swapping
- Used links2 to download the stage2 archive for my architecture, along with its checksum and the same for the latest version of Portage
- Verified the checksums and unpacked the archives to the right places
- Edited make.conf for reasonable settings (nothing drastic beyond disabling X/gtk/gnome/qt/kde in the USE flags)
- chroot'd into the semi-installed Gentoo partition
- emerge --sync
And right now I'm half-way through "emerge --fetchonly --emptytree system" which is downloading all sorts of stuff to be installed with "emerge --emptytree system" immediately afterwards. Then I need to configure and compile a kernel, and then the tricky bit - getting the Grub bootloader set up correctly. Tricky because I already have Win$oze and Red Hat 9 and Debian and Fedora Core 3 installed already, and I can't remember which partition is the one that is actually used...
Speedy J - As The Bubble Expands
motherboard 3 power