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Animated Voronoi cells on a sphere.

Newton's method for periodic cycles

Reject lower periods, and iteratively perturb a known cycle along a path.

Newton's method for periodic points

Rejecting lower periods by division, instead of checking later.

ArtFutura 2018 London

Screenings, talks, performances, London, late November 2018.

JACK on top of Pulseaudio

In which the usual heirarchy of audio APIs on Linux is inverted.

Series approximation for the Burning Ship

A small region bouncing around the dynamical plane seldom touches an axis.

Optimizing audio DSP code

Doing less, less accurately, and less often.

Unskewing the Burning Ship

Based on the size estimate for mini-ships, use derivative matrices to calculate optimal viewing transformation.

Global Algorave (Sheffield)

Probably the world's first two-room Algorave, with an international line-up of top notch live coders and algorithmic producers.

Trustworthy fractals

An implementation of someone else's paper.

Enumeration of Misiurewicz points

How to determine the number of Misiurewicz points of a given (pre)period in the Mandelbrot Set.

Sounding DIY (Split)

My a/v work Puzzle is part of a group show, 6th-22nd August 2018.

Pronunciation edit graphs

All shortest paths between words by adjacency of prounciation.

hp2pretty-0.9 released

Detached key and title options, with example for embedding in PDF.

free_art_-_source (Rijeka)

Jul 6th-13th 2018, opening Friday July 6th, 8 PM, at Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/I, Rijeka)

LAC Sound Night

Linux Audio Conference Sound Night in Berlin.

Art In Flux

Video screening at the Art In Flux Exhibition this week in London.


Exploring the fertility of errors and questioning our inherited worldview.


Toulouse Hacker Space Factory #9

Non-uniform sampling

Scattering aliasing across the spectrum as white noise instead of folded frequency peaks.

Perturbation algebra

A collection of rules for deriving perturbed iterations.

Algorave Algosix

104 live streams of algorithmic dance music+friends over 72 hours.

Polar decomposition in 2D

Decomposing a 2x2 matrix into scale rotate and stretch.

Accelerating circle packing using histogram pyramids

A fast way to pick a random unoccupied pixel in an image.

Nebulullaby on SoundCloud

An Interstellar Cloud Of Dust.

Log-polar graph paper

Fading between levels of detail to avoid huge scale differences and sharp edges.

Burning Ship atom domains

Regions surrounding mini-ships.

The Burning Ship

A fractal like the Mandelbrot set but with absolute values thrown in to the mix.