Ommatidia at Piksel Festival
The 18th edition of the Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies, November 19-21 2020 in Bergen (NO).
The 18th edition of the Piksel Festival for Electronic Art and Free Technologies, November 19-21 2020 in Bergen (NO).
Plenty of bug fixes, plus GUI transparency controls and PPM export without FFmpeg.
OpenCL acceleration, hybrid formula designer, exponential map, and more.
First release of the zoom video assembler.
The 6th edition of the 48-hour showcase extravaganza from Stadtwerkstatt.
Summer solstice music festival marathon fundraiser, streaming online.
Finding the optimal zoom ratio when reusing the center portion.
Charitable music compilation in aid of independent music venues in London.
Co.Lab Sound experimental test bed for collaborative live and sound art at Fringe Arts Bath online festival.
Lots of new features, lots of bug fixes, lots of speed improvements.
What if a systemd boot service units were to shut down the computer?
Histograms of histograms to blur separably bucket by bucket.
Fed up with counting brackets, I adopted postfix-notation. Now I am fed up with counting stack items...
Not a Mandelbrot set deep zoom, but it might resemble one at first glance with its nested period-doubling crises.
Pull back a path from iterates of θ to find cθ.
Gluing two z2+c quadratic Julia sets sometimes gives a z2+az2+b rational Julia set.
Archival experiments with LaTeX.