zoomasm 3.1 released
Maintenance release compatible with latest miniaudio, plus bugfixes.
Maintenance release compatible with latest miniaudio, plus bugfixes.
(!!! STROBE WARNING !!!) Another small techno music video.
A small techno music video.
A fractal music video with both zooming and non-zooming parts.
Synchronizing fractal zooms to audio with kf-2.15.2 and zoomasm-3.0.
Supporting custom colouring algorithms direct from KF 2.15.2.
A long weekend of live coding performances + talks + more, for TOPLAP's birthday.
Plenty more bug fixes, plus a new feature. Also belated 2.0 release announcement.
Plenty of bug fixes, plus GUI transparency controls and PPM export without FFmpeg.
First release of the zoom video assembler.
What if a systemd boot service units were to shut down the computer?
Not a Mandelbrot set deep zoom, but it might resemble one at first glance with its nested period-doubling crises.
Photos of exhibition at Chalton Gallery, by Pau Ros.
Digital art, computer graphics, Free/Libre open source software. 12-27th April 2019.
Open call for talks on sound arts, live audio-visual performances, and live 4.1 music.
One second long movies on the theme of humans vs nature.
Animated Voronoi cells on a sphere.
Screenings, talks, performances, London, late November 2018.
Jul 6th-13th 2018, opening Friday July 6th, 8 PM, at Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/I, Rijeka)
Video screening at the Art In Flux Exhibition this week in London.
Model the whole complex plane via the Riemann sphere as an OpenGL cube map.
Keyframe animation and the return of single precision support with OpenGL 3.3 (OpenGL 4 double precision still an option)
A live-coded bytebeat music session inspired by approaching autumn.
Patterns similar to multi-layer reaction diffusion systems.
Optimized histogram lookup by reducing excess precision.
January 12th to February 5th, Centro Conde Duque, Madrid, Spain.
Black-and-white flame fractals synchronized with rich ambient drones.
Exponential spiral on the Riemann sphere.
Infinite fractal television zoom
Using 2x2 matrix diagonalisation.
Rewritten in portable C.
New website, new beginnings.
350% speed boost, woohoo!
Free software art festival: workshop, installation, performance...
A recipe for success.
DVD production using a Free Software toolchain.
A unique interactive DVD.
Using mencoder and avidemux2.