Atom domains and Newton basins
A counter-example to a conjecture.
A counter-example to a conjecture.
Affine-conjugation to move the critical point to 0 to avoid precision loss.
In which various initial guesses for Newton's method are tested.
Two ways of rendering the 4D Mandelbrot/Julia/Buddhabrot hologram.
Reject lower periods, and iteratively perturb a known cycle along a path.
Rejecting lower periods by division, instead of checking later.
Distance estimated Newton fractal for a rational function with zeros at {1, i, -1, -i} and poles at {-2, 2}.
Rejecting lower preperiods instead of checking later.
Using Newton's method.
Rebasing from a reference point.
Handwritten notes on various properties.
An xmas present for someone special.
Derived from distance estimation for Julia sets.
finding tuned branch points
speeding up external ray tracing