Deep zoom theory and practice (again)
Perturbation with rebasing, and bilinear approximation, for efficient rendering of fractal images.
Perturbation with rebasing, and bilinear approximation, for efficient rendering of fractal images.
A forward-rendered project from 2009 is remade using ray-tracing of signed distance fields.
Many new features, bugfixes and speed improvements.
Many new features, bugfixes and speed improvements.
Analysis of a fractal artwork by JWM.
Many enhancements for speed and comfort.
Embedding a 2D image into a 1D palette that gets wrapped back to 2D by fractal spirals.
Perturbation and rescaling for efficient rendering of fractal images.
Design your own custom colouring algorithms in OpenGL GLSL shader fragments.
Optimal in the sense of most uniform distribution of points.
OpenCL acceleration, hybrid formula designer, exponential map, and more.
Finding the optimal zoom ratio when reusing the center portion.
Histograms of histograms to blur separably bucket by bucket.
Gluing two z2+c quadratic Julia sets sometimes gives a z2+az2+b rational Julia set.
Text-mode audio file viewer.
Extract channels of EXR files.
Conference paper: At the Helm of the Burning Ship
An autostereogram is a single-image stereogram, designed to create the visual illusion of a three-dimensional scene from a two-dimensional image.
Photos of exhibition at Chalton Gallery, by Pau Ros.
Digital art, computer graphics, Free/Libre open source software. 12-27th April 2019.
A multiple copy reduction machine via linked images.
Animated Voronoi cells on a sphere.
Jul 6th-13th 2018, opening Friday July 6th, 8 PM, at Filodrammatica Gallery (Korzo 28/I, Rijeka)
Video screening at the Art In Flux Exhibition this week in London.
Exploring the fertility of errors and questioning our inherited worldview.
A fast way to pick a random unoccupied pixel in an image.
Fading between levels of detail to avoid huge scale differences and sharp edges.
Model the whole complex plane via the Riemann sphere as an OpenGL cube map.
Sphere rotations correspond to certain elliptic Möebius transformations, which can be interpolated in a Bézier fashion.
Keyframe animation and the return of single precision support with OpenGL 3.3 (OpenGL 4 double precision still an option)
Nucleus finding, Misiurewicz point finding, and a bit of guesswork, combine for successful O(period) automatic Julia morphing.
Improving image quality by avoiding catastrophic cancellations.
A self-published physical artifact of reaction-diffusion.
Based on a SIGGRAPH 2001 paper, with blue noise generated by inverse Fourier transform.
Endosymbiosis simulation leads to sticky boid-like flocks that behave like super-organisms.
Finding periodic points in the Mandelbrot set to make annotated images.
Patterns similar to multi-layer reaction diffusion systems.
Five diagrams on the number 70.
Image from 2013 LAC paper, Lyapunov Space of Coupled FM Oscillators.
Five-bit Gray code rotary encoder.
A familiar picture emerges.
The non-trivial partitioning of a square into 3 similar rectangles.
Physics-based ray-tracing in curved space.
Porting rrv to OpenGL 3 for a 30x speed boost.
Square cross-section lemniscate of Bernoulli, with a twist.
Adding noise improves image quality during quantization.
Combining saved flake images using command line tools.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 4.
Multicoloured spray paint stencil.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 3.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s, part 2.
Reimplementing computer art from the 1970s.
Your daily dose.
Interleaved dither patterns.
Applying a technique used for fractal rendering.
Paper presentation at Linux Audio Conference 2013.
Generalizing a tiling into hyperbolic variants.
Looping without energy loss.
An approximation for relatively narrow widths.
triangular vertex symmetry using p²+q²+pq colours
reverse-engineering a tesselation
Mandelbrot Set explorer using OpenGL 4
New website, new beginnings.
26 images of the Mandelbrot Set
Following distance estimates.
Lots to think about.
6D cube in OpenGL/GLSL.
Tone mapping for high dynamic range imaging.
Dynamic range compression.
Data is data is data.
Go large for high quality.
A unique interactive DVD.
Large portion of file.
Responded to a poster calling for works.
Fixes crashes but features are lost.
Ggetting as far as I got is pretty good going, I think!
Phase3, Scanned, Robin Lustig, Moonlight Lens Flare, Sierpinski Circles, Photoshop Tennis, Flickr,
Contract on a flat.