Divergent Protocol
FLAC (83 MB) VBR MP3 (21 MB) Ogg Vorbis (10 MB) PNG image (403 kB) Shell source code (2 kB) transcript (21 kB)
A feedback process involving speech synthesis and automatic transcription: text is converted to speech using the Flite engine, then the audio is reversed using SoX, and converted back to text with Pocket Sphinx and fed back into the start of the process. If an encode/decode loop is detected, the additional text "Divergent Protocol" is inserted to break the cycle.
POSIX shell source code:
#!/bin/sh # Divergent Protocol (c) 2017 Claude Heiland-Allen # mkdir dp && cd dp && ../dp.sh 'divergent protocol' 9 if [ "$1" ] then if [ "$2" ] then utterance="$1" target="$2" n=1 count=1 touch dp.txt cat > dp.hs <<EOF import Data.List main = interact $ unwords . map head . group . words EOF ghc -O2 dp.hs while true do for voice in slt awb do utterance="$(echo "${utterance}" | ./dp)" speak="${voice}: ${utterance}" if grep -q "^${speak}$" dp.txt then speak="${speak} ${1}" utterance="${utterance} ${1}" count=$((count + 1)) fi echo "${speak}" | tee -a dp.txt echo "${utterance}" | flite -voice "${voice}" -o "${voice}.wav" sox "${voice}.wav" utterance.wav reverse wait if [ "${voice}" = "slt" ] then sox -M "${voice}.wav" -v 0.7 "${voice}.wav" stereo.wav swap else sox -M "${voice}.wav" -v 0.7 "${voice}.wav" stereo.wav fi cp -af stereo.wav "${n}.wav" n=$((n + 1)) # mplayer -quiet -really-quiet stereo.wav & if [ $count -ge $target ] then wait rm -f slt.wav awb.wav stereo.wav utterance.wav rename s/^/0/ ?.wav rename s/^/0/ ??.wav rename s/^/0/ ???.wav rename s/^/0/ ????.wav rename s/^/0/ ?????.wav sox ??????.wav -e float dp.wav rate 44100 pad 0 6 reverb \ compand 0.01,0.1 6:-1000,-999,-10 -12 -1000 0.01 exit 0 fi utterance="$(pocketsphinx_continuous -infile utterance.wav 2>/dev/null)" done done else echo "usage: $0 '$1' 9" exit 1 fi else echo "usage: $0 'divergent protocol' 9" exit 1 fi
The embedded Haskell program elides repeated words, without it I found it would get stuck into "... she she she she she ..." which didn't sound too good. On my 3GHz AMD64 system, it runs faster than realtime, so could conceivably be modified to run continuously as an internet radio station.