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Rectangles on a triangular lattice

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Rectangles on a triangular lattice

I was wondering about drawing rectangles on a regular triangular lattice. I found that the area is always a multiple of 4 cells.

Let u,v be the basis vectors of the triangular lattice, and x,y be the basis vectors of rectangular Cartesian coordinates. Specify a point on the lattice by p,qZ, then:


with the squared Euclidean distance of the point from the origin being:


Now assume gcd, to ensure that the line segment from the origin to the point passes through no other lattice points. A line (P,Q) perpendicular to (p,q) satisfies:

(p + \frac{q}{2}) \mathbf{x} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} q \mathbf{y} = \lambda ( -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} Q \mathbf{x} + (P + \frac{Q}{2}) \mathbf{y} )

which reduces to

\frac{P}{Q} = - \frac{p + 2 q}{2 p + q}

Letting K = \gcd(p + 2 q, 2 p + q), then P = -\frac{p + 2 q}{K} and Q = \frac{2 p + q}{K} and \gcd(P,Q) = 1.

The area of the rectangle can be found in terms of p and q:

A^2 = (p^2 + q^2 + pq) (P^2 + Q^2 + PQ)

which reduces to

A = \sqrt{3} \frac{p^2 + q^2 + pq}{K}

Expressing this in terms of the smallest triangular cell on the lattice, which has area \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}, gives a count of triangles:

N = 4 \frac{p^2 + q^2 + pq}{K}

Recall that \gcd(p,q) = 1 and \gcd(p + 2 q, 2 p + q) = K. This means that K \mid p + 2 q and K \mid 2 p + q which implies that K \mid 3 (p + q). So K \mid 3 or K \mid p + q. When K doesn't divide p + q then K \in \{1,3\}. Suppose K \mid p + q, then K \mid p + 2 q implies that K \mid q, and similarly K \mid 2 p + q implies that K \mid p. But \gcd(p,q) = 1, therefore K = 1.

K = 1 implies that 4 \mid N, so it remains to consider the other case when K = 3. Let p = 3 a + b and q = 3 c + d with b,d \in \{0,1,2\}. Now K \mid b + 2 d and K \mid 2 b + d. Exhaustive case analysis shows that this holds only when b = d. Expanding

p^2 + q^2 + pq = 3(\ldots) + b^2 + d^2 + bd = 3(\ldots) + 3 b^2

shows that 3 \mid p^2 + q^2 + pq. So \frac{p^2 + q^2 + pq}{K}\ \in \mathbb{Z} and 4 \mid N: the area of a rectangle on a triangular lattice is always a multiple of 4 cells.